What is Health Professions Week? How Can You Use It In Your Classroom?

Register Wednesday, October 7, 20204:00 PM (ET) Registration link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpdOqprjIjE9E3mPxZbNVFQTjWn7MPI0qf Health Professions Week (HPW) is an annual, virtual week-long event which allows teachers and students to explore over 20...

NCHSE Biannual Membership Update Call

October 1, 2020 -- 2:00 PM (EDT) Each spring and fall, NCHSE invites consortium members to collectively join an informational conference call. During these regularly scheduled hourlong virtual meetings, the NCHSE Executive Council provides the membership with...

Prepare for Health Professions Week: Explore Careers Confidently

REGISTER NOW What is HPW2020? HPW is your one-stop- shop to explore over 20 career options. All future health professionals are welcome to register for #HPW2020, including career changers, high school, college and graduate students, both domestic and international. 6...

Announcing the Four-Course Health Science Curriculum Framework

In May 2020, NCHSE finalized work on the development of a four-course health science curriculum framework to demonstrate how to efficiently and effectively deliver a health science program in its entirety while also providing a clear path enabling students flexibility...