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Ensure a well-prepared workforce


NCHSE’s commitment to ensure a well-prepared workforce as well as meet the needs of all health science education programs led to the development of a four-course curriculum example and corresponding health science certificates in addition to the premium end of program National Health Science Certificate (NHSC).

National Health Science Certificate

The purpose of the health science certificates is to measure and document student knowledge and to inform classroom instruction. By offering more health science certificate choices, health science programs can choose appropriate certificates that meet the needs and intricacies of their individual programs for more beneficial assessment information and performance.

The National Health Science Certificates are administered by YouScience.

Four Certificates to help you succeed.

The National Health Science Certificate (NHSC) and four stackable certificates

Foundations of Healthcare Professions

Course 1

Essential Healthcare Practices

Course 2

Human Structure, Function, and Disease (A)

Course 3

Human Structure, Function, and Disease (B)

Course 4

What our teachers are saying

Industry Recognition

The National Health Science Standards and the NHSC are supported by the Tri-Council of Nursing (American Association of College of Nursing; American Nurses Association; American Organization of Nurse Executives; National League of Nursing), National Council of State Boards of Nursing and endorsed by Health Professions Network (HPN) in successfully preparing health science students for transition into postsecondary health science programs.

Register For The Exams

Certificate Benefits

  • The National Health Science Certificate and Health Science Certificates document student achievement,
  • Promotes knowledge validation and collaboration for postsecondary partnership seeking dual/concurrent enrollment credits and
  • Provides data driven instruction to inform the classroom per National Health Science Standard (NHSS).
  • In addition to the NHSC and the four stackable certificates, the National Consortium for Health Science Education (NCHSE) along with YouScience offers twenty two content specific health science certificate exams.
  • State education agencies and/or local school districts who are NCHSE members receive certificate discount rates for their schools as well as access to national certificate assessment data.
  • National Health Science Certificate Program Update
    The cost for each stackable certificate for NCHSE member states is currently $10/$12 for non-members. Beginning July 1, 2022, the end of program National Health Science Certificate will be $15 for NCHSE state members and $20 for non members.


The National Health Science Certificate (NHSC) and Certificate Exams are administered by YouScience.