Instructors are always looking for new ways for their students to learn, review, and retain complex information that is both engaging
and interactive. In and out of lecture or lab, students use the tools they have at their disposal, as well as their own resolve to achieve a successful outcome. The better the tools are, the more successful their outcomes will be.

Visible Body’s 3D virtual models, micro-lessons, and game-like interactivity make teaching and learning the health sciences faster, easier, and more engaging. Instructors who have used our software and content report a noticeable improvement in students’ mastery of the material and grades. One instructor user’s comment, “The increase in As and Bs in her class was “statistically significant.”
We will demonstrate how immersing students in a virtual learning environment with Visible Body’s interactive 3D content creates a holistic experience that leads to student success.

Presenters: Desiree Hassan & Jennifer Kravitz
Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 4:30 – 5:30 PM (ET)