Best Year Ever! Creative Teaching Strategies to Ready You for Success – Free Virtual Event
Best Year Ever! Creative Teaching Strategies to Ready You for Success New Teachers (& Experienced Teachers) Seminar – Free Virtual Event Presenters: Michele Deck & HSEA Executive Committee For the 2022-23 school year, embark with a burst of positive...
Networking: The KEY to Teacher Survival!
Join the HSEA Officer Team as we show you how joining the Health Science Educators Association (HSEA) can help you not only survive but thrive as a teacher. Let us show you how to learn tricks of the trade from fabulous teachers across the nation! Presenters: Toni...
Introduction to Health Science & Careers
MN HOSA & STEM Fuse will present new and exciting ways to engage students from 6th grade through college with health science and careers. Health professions continue to be one of the fastest growing fields in the U.S., yet students still are not aware of the...
TeenLife: Your Gateway to 10K+ Academic Learning Opportunities for Teens
TeenLife is the leading national online platform that connects parents, students (13-19), & counselors/consultants to academic & experiential learning opportunities for teens. Search summer programs, gap year programs, after school enrichment courses,...