Clinical and Employability Skills

Clinical and Employability Skills

Learn about a versatile collection of clinical tools in which health science instructors can use to prepare students for a successful clinical, rotation, or practicum experiences. Hear from the authors of the forthcoming, Clinical and Employability Skills, a brief...
Discovery Education and Connecting Health Sciences

Discovery Education and Connecting Health Sciences

This session will provide exposure to Discovery Education’s channels and ready-to-useactivities connected to Virtual Field Trips that support health education. SOS Instructional Strategies and Channel resources will also be explored to transfer to practice. In...
Starting a New Patient Care Technician Pathway Program

Starting a New Patient Care Technician Pathway Program

Slide Deck Schools across the country are starting new patient care technician programs. During this webinar, we will walk you through key concepts needed in these courses and show you how you can align tools and curriculum to help jump-start your courses. We hope the...
Healthcare Simulations Best Practice Overview

Healthcare Simulations Best Practice Overview

Innovation with technology advancement in the last few decades has restructured health science education to integrate experiential learning. Simulation-based education (SBE) has become the standard of not only initial medical and health sciences education but...
Mental Health First Aid Info Session

Mental Health First Aid Info Session

For many health science educators, mental health is a top priority in supporting students, colleagues, or themselves. Thankfully, the Mental Health First Aid movement is gaining traction across the country and around the world. As a result of this training,...